Verdure: Let the sunshine in November 2020 A test of 12 warm-season turfgrassesâ responses to different shade levels illuminates the often cloudy matter of quantifying shade tolerance.
Verdure: Dive into that microbial pool October 2020 A 15-year study reveals valuable insights on the long-term effects of N rate and source on several measures of turf soil health.
Verdure: Nitrogen wonât always fix it September 2020 Can the adverse effects of soil compaction be overcome by applying high levels of nitrogen?
Verdure: You really ought to cover that up August 2020 With more transition zone courses opting for ultradwarf bermudagrass greens, researchers investigated various strategies for preventing winter injury of the warm-season grass.
Verdure: A small dose of manganese for take-all patch July 2020 Does manganeseâs purported disease-suppressing ability stand up to scientific scrutiny?
Verdure: Pseudo dollar spot control? June 2020 Purdue University researchers designed field experiments to test the impact of the biological control agent Tx-1 on dollar spot and brown patch activity in fairways.
Verdure: For your age, you look fabulous May 2020 In a series of studies over four years, researchers examined how N and K fertilization should be adjusted on aging ultradwarf bermudagrass greens.
Verdure: Primo your way to reduced nitrogen fertilizer April 2020 Can applications of trinexapac-ethyl â the active ingredient in Primo Maxx â decrease putting greensâ nitrogen requirements without compromising turf quality?
Golf and the greater good amid coronavirus March 26, 2020 A South Dakota superintendent with a family connection to the coronavirus crisis encourages the golf industry to heed expertsâ advice, plus shares what heâs doing at his own course and for his community.
Verdure: Winter applications for spring Poa annua seedhead suppression? March 2020 A turf scientist tested whether earlier applications of PGRs could deliver better control of annual bluegrass seedheads.
Verdure: How long are you going to hang around? February 2020 University of Illinois researchers examined foliar retention and foliar retention efficiency to help optimize retention of a foliar spray on a turfgrass leaf.
Verdure: The way-back article for 2020 January 2020 Research published in 1962 on bermudagrassâs response to varying light intensity still offers pertinent insight on turfgrass light requirements and cutting heights.
Verdure: Poa management, Nordic style December 2019 Looking to thwart Poa annua invasion on red fescue greens, researchers experimented with blending more competitive grasses into the seed mix.
Verdure: So, how late is too late? November 2019 A review of the literature on fall-applied nitrogen presents helpful insights on this common practice for cool-season turf managers, from suitable rate to environmental fate.
Verdure: Itâs resistant October 2019 Annual sedge has become resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Researchers examined the level of resistance and how it developed.
Verdure: âPre-hapsâ you should think about that herbicide application? September 2019 Mississippi State researchers took a close look at how several commonly used pre-emergence herbicides specifically impact the roots of hybrid bermudagrass.
Verdure: Bacteria diversity in your putting greens August 2019 A three-year study sought to quantify and identify soil microbial populations in creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass greens.
Verdure: Organic matter matters July 2019 The age of a putting green affects its rate of soil organic matter accumulation.
Verdure: Thatâs a sappy relationship June 2019 Can different in-field plant measurements — a clipping sap test or handheld reflectance meters — be used assess turf’s foliar nitrogen status to minimize anthracnose?
Inside GCM: Going back to the beginning June 2019 The 2000 U.S. Open at Pebble Beach holds a special place in golf history as well as in the evolution of GCM and the career of its editor-in-chief.