
Vote for GCM’s New Product of the Year

Choose your favorite now, or vote on the trade show floor at the 2020 Golf Industry Show, where each product in the running — and many more! — will be on display.


GCM New Product of the Year
Which product will snag the spotlight as GCM’s 2019 New Product of the Year? It’s all in your hands! Image by vvstudio/Freepik

The opportunity to get an up-close look at the latest products and innovations in golf course management is a major draw of the Golf Industry Show, and this year in Orlando, the new-product experience will be more interactive and will have some prizes attached.

For the first time, GCM is presenting a New Product of the Year contest. Ten products are up for the title, and you can cast your vote via this survey or on the trade show floor at the 2020 Golf Industry Show, where the products will be featured in the New Product Showcase, booth 3235.

The company whose product is selected as GCM’s 2019 New Product of the Year will win a dynamic marketing package from GCM that includes coverage in GCM’s print edition and on The voting period will close Thursday, Jan. 30 at 4 p.m. Eastern time, and the winner will be announced the following week via GCM’s Twitter account.

Find descriptions of the 10 products vying to be named New Product of the Year below. All information provided is from the respective company.

Click here to vote now for GCM’s New Product of the Year!

RP-1200 autonomous range picker
ECHO Robotics

Golf Industry Show booth 1447

ECHO Robotics RP-1200

The ECHO Robotics RP-1200 is an autonomous range picker that picks and delivers balls without human intervention. When used with a TM-2000 autonomous mower, it can be part of the solution to totally automate your driving range.

More information from ECHO Robotics.

DryJect/WetJect organic matter management tool

Golf Industry Show booth 1213


The revolutionary DryJect service — the only injection service that allows you to aerate, topdress and amend in one pass — is now even more flexible. The company’s most recent innovation is a special hopper configuration that allows the use of dry sand or wet sand and achieves the same remarkable results. This technology will be available through most of the company’s regional service centers in late winter/spring 2020.

More information from DryJect.

GB-1000 grinder backbone

Golf Industry Show booth 3030

GB-1000 grinder backbone

Keep your star player in the game with the new Toro Greensmaster 1000 Series and the Foley GB-1000 grinder backbone.

The Toro Greensmaster 1000 Series features a new detachable cutting unit that allows for easy removal for service/maintenance or for cutting unit exchange, nearly eliminating downtime for your greens mowing units. The detachable cutting unit works in harmony with the GB-1000, reducing the total weight needed to lift into the grinder to one-third the original weight of the mower unit. The easier placement into the grinder improves worker safety.

More information from Foley.

Infinicut FL22 lithium-powered walk-behind mower
Cub Cadet

Golf Industry Show booth 4445

Cub Cadet Infinicut

The Infinicut provides complete turf maintenance and sets the standard for what golf playing surfaces can be. The dynamic return floating-head design, variable clip rate and flexible setup produce a precise cut and uniform appearance every time, even under varying conditions. Operators can customize mowing height within 0.10-millimeter increments. An adjustable bedknife reduces face wear and minimizes plant stress, resulting in healthier turf and a better playing surface. The all-electric operation reduces noise and vibration and lowers fuel cost.

More information from Cub Cadet.

TTS-800 golf rotors

TTS-800 Series golf rotors
Hunter Industries

Golf Industry Show booth 4517

TTS-800 Series golf rotors from Hunter Industries are the most reliable, efficient and easy-to-service rotors in the industry. The robust inlet valve includes an exclusive Filter Sentry scrubbing system. Thanks to a powerful wiper, the Filter Sentry system scours the filter clean during every opening and closing cycle. An extra-large, fast-access flange compartment comfortably accommodates wire connections and other components. To mitigate the challenges of poor water quality, the high-torque gear drives are the strongest on the market. TTS-800 rotors integrate advanced technology to simplify irrigation management and cultivate impeccable playing surfaces.

More information from Hunter Industries.

TurfPro analytics, mapping and hole location management system
POGO TurfPro

Golf Industry Show booth 2639

POGO TurfPro

Designed by superintendents, for superintendents. The creators of POGO, Stevens Water Monitoring Systems (established in 1911), have created an advanced agronomy analytics, mapping and hole location management system to give golf course superintendents the confidence to make the right decisions in everyday course management.

Combining precision monitoring with advanced GPS mapping technology and powerful cloud analytics, POGO empowers users to understand how every aspect of their maintenance operation and environment impacts the conditions of their turf. The decisions that are necessary to keep a course in optimum condition are simplified so that any member of any staff can make the correct call on water, fertilization, cultural practice or course setup.

More information from POGO TurfPro.

Power Assist Cup Cutter
Froemming Innovations

Golf Industry Show booth 6038

Power Assist Cup Cutter

The Power Assist Cup Cutter is the most innovative cup cutter on the market. The electric, self-propelled vehicle addresses golf’s dwindling labor market, eliminates the demand on the operator, saves time and produces high-quality results.

More information from Froemming Innovations.

Zanfel poison ivy

Zanfel poison ivy, oak and sumac wash

Golf Industry Show booth 4401

Zanfel poison ivy, oak and sumac wash is the only product clinically shown to remove the plant’s toxin, urushiol, from the skin any time after outbreak of the rash. Zanfel provides relief from itching in 30 seconds, and it’s a safer, more effective option than the steroids or antihistamines commonly prescribed for this allergic skin reaction. Zanfel can also be used as a post-exposure preventive for poison ivy, oak and sumac. The product allows an employee affected by poison ivy to return to work immediately in an itch-free and healing state.

More information from Zanfel.

Golfco grooved rollers for mowers and rolling machines
Golfco International

Golf Industry Show booth 4407

For cleanup-pass mowing.

More information from Golfco International.

Umount front-mounted blower system

Golf Industry Show booth 4247


Turn any turf vehicle or mower into a multitask workhorse with Umount’s 200-plus-mph blaster. The revolutionary front-mounted blower system combines the performance of a tow-behind with the mobility of a handheld.

More information from Umount.