Photo courtesy of PBI-Gordon
To distill the benefits of early order programs to mere dollars and cents would be a gross oversimplification.
Early order programs — or EOPs, in which chemical manufacturers and distributors incentivize golf course superintendents who plan and purchase their chemicals for the following year toward the end of the current one — can provide a substantial financial benefit. But EOPs can do more than that.
“It helps us plan ahead agronomically,” says Andy Jorgensen, CGCS, superintendent at On Top of the World Communities Inc. in Ocala, Fla., and a 21-year GCSAA member. “It reduces the amount of time I spend on ordering product. And we have the product in stock when we need it, which protects us when severe disease outbreaks occur.”
Jorgensen estimates he has used EOPs for 18 years, and he says the benefits extend well beyond the bottom line.
“It saves time and money throughout the year,” he says. “(It) ensures you have the product when you need it.”
EOPs can vary in specifics. Manufacturers and distributors reward those who order early with rebates or percentage-point discounts, payment plans or beneficial terms, gift cards or swag, or some combination thereof. That tangible, quantifiable benefit is what convinced Guy Hudson to begin using EOPs seven or eight years ago. Now that he’s an EOP proponent, he doesn’t even bother to quantify it — his peace of mind is priceless.
“At first, it was just to save money,” says Hudson, GCSAA Class A superintendent at Oak Ridge (Tenn.) Country Club and a 38-year association member. “I don’t know exactly how much I do save. A lot of times, I over-purchase. To me, the main thing is having the product on hand. I don’t have to rush for anything.”
In fact, Hudson is so pro-EOP, he can think of only one negative: spreading the wealth. He’s pursued by up to a half-dozen vendors every fall, and he has a friendly relationship with each. Rather than put all of his budget eggs in one vendor basket, he does a little business with them all.
“I try to give each one a little bit,” says Hudson, who has been at Oak Ridge for 35 years. “I like all of them, so my biggest struggle is trying to keep all the vendors happy. We all know each other, and we like each other’s company.
“But if I have five vendors, I have to listen to five early order pitches,” Hudson says with a laugh. “I can just listen to one and tell the other four I’ve heard the pitch and give me the literature. I have to be careful, though. Sometimes I’ve found if I’m giving four, five, six people a different order, I sometimes over-purchase. I’ve done that before.”
Mike Bindl has been a golf course superintendent for close to 30 years. He has worked at courses that use EOPs and those that don’t. His current employer, Western Lakes Golf Club in Pewaukee, Wis., is among the former. When Bindl came to Western Lakes about a year and a half ago, he arrived at a course that had been using early order programs longer than he had been a superintendent.
“It’s all just a balance of how your ownership, your membership, sees the benefits of using that type of program,” says Bindl, a one-year member of GCSAA.
At his previous course, Bindl saw firsthand how EOPs do more than save money.
“I just like having (product) in stock,” he says. “You’re not at the vendor’s mercy. You don’t have to call: ‘Do you have it in stock?’ If not, you have to source from another vendor. The last place I was at, one vendor was 2 miles away. Another was 25 miles away. It’s logistics and ease of getting the product you need.”

Photo courtesy of PBI-Gordon
A little preparation, Jorgensen says, is key to getting the most out of an early order program. By putting pencil to paper (or pixel to spreadsheet, as the case might be), a superintendent can figure annual chemical needs relatively accurately. By keeping track of shortages and overages, the superintendent can hone his or her order, though there’s bound to be variance depending on weather and other factors.
“I don’t feel it’s that big of a pain,” Jorgensen says. “It takes me a few days to plan and order almost all of the agronomic products we will need for the entire year, compared to an as-needed basis, which could be almost daily in the growing months. We typically follow the same plan each year, tweaking as necessary as new products come to market or problems arise.”
That’s where a conscientious vendor can help. Dave Blomquist, CGCS Retired and a 38-year GCSAA member, has been on both ends of the EOP sales call. A superintendent for 19 years, he moved over to the distribution side and now works for Chicagoland Turf, where he places the calls he sometimes dreaded answering.
“I think from a superintendent’s standpoint, most guys think it’s a pain in the butt,” Blomquist says. “They like, on one hand, the opportunity, the ability to save some money. But we distributors are coming at ’em when they’re just trying to get through the season. There’s just so many distributors right now, and everybody is coming out earlier and earlier. Superintendents are, like, ‘Geez. I just want to catch my breath before I try to lock in next year.’”
So Blomquist gets it. Really. But he says nearly all of his clients — and more every year — use some form of EOP.
“Everybody is so conscious about what they’re spending,” he says. “Every budget is so chiseled down. Everybody has to watch what they spend and how they spend it. Some guys who probably hadn’t thought about doing it 10 years ago are now trying to see if they can save a little money, maybe sneak in an extra spray because they made better use of their budget.”
A good vendor, Blomquist says, can help a superintendent in many ways. If storage of a year’s worth of products is a problem, many distributors will offer storage or “creative” delivery options. And if a course has a new superintendent or no record of a chemical baseline, the vendor can often help there, too.
“We don’t want people to overbuy,” Blomquist says. “We work with the superintendent and the course. We usually have a relationship with them. We know what the history is. If I know a superintendent is ordering too much — if they say, ‘Give me five cases,’ when I think they only need three — I tell them. I don’t want them coming back to me unhappy.
“I think some guys get a little set in their ways. Most people that do it see that it works out pretty well, and they expand on it. That’s how it was for me. As a superintendent, I always figured this was all for the manufacturer or distributor’s benefit. But it was stuff I was going to buy anyway, and I got some generous benefits out of it. There was really no reason not to do it.”

Savings that keep going
With more ways to earn rebates than ever before, you can save up to 39% with the Syngenta GreenTrust 365 program. Maximize your turf quality and your budget during the Early Order Period: Oct. 1 - Dec. 9, 2020.
Yearlong Rebates
Earn your yearlong rebate for 2021 by spending at least $5,000 on qualifying products during the Early Order Period. Your yearlong rebate can range from 5 to 10% and is valid for all purchases of qualifying products made during the Program Year: Oct. 1, 2020, to Sept. 30, 2021. The more you order now, the more you save later.
NEW Plan it Your Way Rebate
Purchase at least $10,000 of Posterity, Daconil and/or Secure fungicide brands during the
Early Order Period, with at least $2,500 of that purchase being Posterity brands, to earn an additional 6 - 12% rebate.
Once you qualify for the Plan it Your Way Rebate, you automatically earn an additional rebate level on Acelepryn insecticide half gallons.
GT Bonus Booster
When you make qualifying purchases in October, you will automatically receive up to an
additional 3% rebate on top of your yearlong rebate.

Pallet Solutions
Pallets offer the greatest savings of the year, plus:
• They are designed to match agronomic needs.
• Many can automatically qualify you for the program.
• They can be combined with rebates for savings up to 35%.
• They can only be purchased during the Early Order Period: Oct. 1 - Dec. 9, 2020.
You can save up to 15% on complementary products with our Multipaks. They are available all year long but can be combined with other rebates during the Early Order Period for savings up to 39%.
New for 2021, the Briskway + Velista fungicide Multipak serves as an excellent foundation for a preventive fairy ring program.
Product Assurances
Protect your turf with confidence with leading agronomic recommendations and performance guarantees. There are two new product assurance programs available this year, and each one is supported with industry-leading service.
• NEW Spring Dead Spot and Take-all Root Rot Assurance
• NEW Preventive Fairy Ring Assurance
• ENHANCED Large Patch Assurance
Keep your cash flow in check by deferring payment until June 25, 2021, with SummerPay.
It is just one way to manage your expenses a little more easily throughout the season.
Rebate Calculators
Maximize your savings with our easy-to-use rebate calculators. Simply input the products you
would like to purchase to see how your savings keep going. Access the calculators at
Contact your local Syngenta territory manager or visit GreenTrust365.com/Golf to learn more.
Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use.

Nufarm Edge Rewards Program boosts profit potential in 2021
The 2021 Nufarm Edge Rewards Program offers golf course superintendents the best opportunity to save on more than 35 popular Nufarm brands during the upcoming season. Nufarm is a leading provider of high-performing plant growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Superintendents earn top savings on these proven solutions by participating in Nufarm Edge Rewards during two order periods.
• Save the maximum during Period 1: September 14 - October 31, 2020.
• Extend your time to save during Period 2: November 1 - December 11, 2020.

Introducing new Volume Bonus Rebates for 2021 Edge Rewards
Nufarm’s 2021 program is designed to deliver an added edge with five volume bonus discount offers. During Period 1, stack Edge Rewards and new Volume Bonus Rebates to maximize savings. Volume Bonus Rebates are available on Pinpoint for resistant dollar spot; Traction for snow mold; Anuew for fairway turf growth management; Aloft GC SC for ant, annual bluegrass weevil and grub control; and Millennium Ultra 2 for weed control, including naturalized area care.
New Volume Bonus Rebates are only available during period.
• Pinpoint Fungicide: Save $20 per unit.
• Traction Fungicide: Save $50 per unit.
• Anuew PGR: Save $21 per unit.
• Aloft GC SC: Save $50 per unit.
• Millennium Ultra 2: Save $50 per unit.
Registration is quick and easy
Registration is easy and required to participate in Nufarm Edge Rewards. Visit www.nufarmrewards.com and submit the registration form. Previous registrants are automatically registered and do not need to register again. At the Rewards website, browse eligible products and build a qualifying order with ease using the online Nufarm Edge Rewards Calculator Tool. It can tabulate your savings and be emailed directly to your distributor.

BASF 2021 early order program: Return to excellence
The BASF 2021 EOP is a return to simplicity, flexibility and innovation designed to help superintendents and turf professionals get the products you need to ensure the upcoming season is as successful as possible. Our program is filled with groundbreaking products that bring proven results to your toolbox. We’re also offering our deepest level of customization ever, giving you the freedom to choose specific products and quantities to suit your needs so you can design your program from the ground up. Best of all, it’s all backed by some of the best rebates in the industry, helping you save while setting your operation up for success.
The benefits of EOP
By purchasing through EOP, superintendents can enjoy a positive impact on your budgets by saving time and money. Earn rebates based on your level of spend, with rebate levels ranging from 8% to 24% based on your purchase amount. Qualifying for rebates is easy — purchase at least three qualifying fungicide brands and order at least $5,000 in qualifying fungicide product. To enjoy the highest rebates, complete your order in October.
Add innovation to your rotation
The entire BASF portfolio is designed to provide innovative and powerful solutions, including two groundbreaking products— Maxtima fungicide and Navicon, an Intrinsic brand fungicide. Both feature cutting-edge DMI chemistries that deliver incredible results that are recommended by nine out of 10 superintendents surveyed who have used the products*.
Deeper online tools. Seamless connectivity. Flexible options.
This year, we’ve expanded our online tools to help our customers and distributor sales representatives stay seamlessly connected during the ordering process. With our online calculator, users can create multiple plans, track your rebate savings and share your plans with your DSR in real time. Getting started is easy: Just visit betterturf.basf.us/EOP, set up a profile and begin designing your fungicide programs. If pen and paper is your style, our classic brochure is available for simple, straightforward ordering as well. Any way you want to place your order, BASF has you covered.
Click to enlarge:

Easily plan, calculate and save
Complete your EOP your way. Visit betterturf.basf.us/EOP to create a profile, build your program and send it directly to your DSR.
*Based on BASF survey of 107 responding product users, July 2020.
Always read and follow label directions.
For more information and complete program details including program terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions, visit betterturf.basf.us/EOP. Intrinsic, Maxtima and Navicon are registered trademarks of BASF.

2021 looks good — so let’s get started!
The calendar says it’s still 2020, but we in the professional turf business know better: 2021 is here. Finally. And we’re not going to just walk into the new year — we’re going to soar. That starts by getting the best deals on the best turf products from PBI-Gordon.
The PBI-Gordon 2020 Early Order Program gives end users great deals when they order qualifying products from a PBI-Gordon distributor between October 1 and December 11, 2020. And end users can maximize their rebate by placing an order before October 31, 2020.
And turf pros can increase their rebate by up to 25% when you reach qualifying rebate levels.
• Level I: Rebates that reach $500 - $999 get a 15% bonus*
• Level II: Rebates that reach $1,000 or more get a 25% bonus*
*Rebate bonus is calculated from the rebate amount. Example: If your rebate is $750, your rebate bonus will be $112.50 ($750 × 15%). Added together, your total rebate will be $862.50.

The 2020 PBI-Gordon EOP features 16 of the company’s newest and most popular products, including SpeedZone EW — an advanced emulsion-in-water formulation that puts more active ingredients on the weed for more complete coverage and exceptional performance.
Included in the PBI-Gordon EOP lineup:
• Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds — A single product to control crabgrass and yellow nutsedge, as well as tough broadleaf weeds
• SpeedZone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf — Advanced emulsion-in-water formulation of the industry’s #1 speed herbicide
• Surge Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf — Water-based formulation delivers excellent broadleaf weed control and yellow nutsedge suppression
• Union Fungicide SC — Two active ingredients offer broad-spectrum disease control, including superior Pythium disease protection

• Vexis Herbicide Granular — Proprietary formulation delivers exceptional control of sedges and kyllingas, plus listed broadleaf weeds
To see the full list of qualifying products, visit eop.PBIGordonTurf.com.
It’s been a year like no other, but 2020 is coming to an end. Soar into 2021 with the best prices on industry-favorite turf care products from PBI-Gordon. For more information, call your PBI-Gordon sales representative, or visit PBIGordonTurf.com or call 800-884-3179.

Simply Grow Together

Best deals of the year! Now easier than ever to earn a rebate.
Quali-Pro is offering special incentives now through November 30. Take advantage of the SGT early order program by October 31 for the biggest rebates.
2020 Quali-Pro Early Order Program information:
• To qualify, the participating end user must earn a minimum rebate of $100.
• Earn up to 4 times the base rebate by adding more Platinum products to your purchases.
• Products must be purchased from an authorized Quali-Pro distributor between August 15, 2020, and November 30, 2020.
This is an end user promotion; distributors and dealers are not eligible for this rebate. Purchases used to qualify for this promotion are not eligible for any other free goods, cash back or rebate programs. Internet sales and purchases do not qualify.
All submissions must be uploaded by January 15, 2021.

Aquatrols’ Approach EOP
Enroll in Approach and get rewarded for your turf management purchases from authorized distributors. As an Approach member, you can earn points for your purchases that are redeemable for a variety of rewards.
Approach makes it easy to earn rewards for your purchases as well as track and redeem your points. Unlike other reward programs that require new enrollment every year, you only need to sign up for Approach once to qualify for reward points on all your Aquatrols product purchases going forward. While you can enroll in Approach at any time, sign up by March 31 to earn even more.
Approach makes it easy to earn extra points. New participants that enroll before March 31 and existing Approach members will receive double points for purchases invoiced between October 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021. Approach members can also earn additional bonus points by making combined purchases of 20 gallons or more (40 gallons total) of eligible products from two or more product categories.
Once you’ve qualified for all those extra points, our Approach app makes it easier than ever to manage them. Simply log into the app to see your current point totals as well as redeem points for a variety of rewards with just a few easy clicks.
Key dates to remember
• Program Period runs from October 1, 2020, through July 31, 2021.
• New participants must enroll by March 31, 2021, to qualify for double points.
• Earn double points on eligible product purchases invoiced between October 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021.
• Purchases made from an authorized Aquatrols distributor must be shipped and invoiced by July 31, 2021, to qualify.

Signing up is easy!
Visit www.Aquatrols.com/Approach to register, or download Aquatrols Approach from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. A valid email, phone number and golf course address are required to register.
Visit www.Aquatrols.com/Approach for full participation instructions and eligibility requirements.

2020 Threebate
There is no debate about it, THREEBATE 2020 can save you money!
AMVAC Environmental Products (AEP) 2020 Early Order Program is back and offers great rebates on our three lines of proven herbicides, insecticides and fungicides to meet the needs of your golf course all season long.
Order between October 1 - December 18, 2020, and SAVE.

Choose from our unique chemistries such as PCNB-powered PREMION and Turfcide to help control a broad range of diseases, from anthracnose to brown patch and snow mold.
Our newest herbicides, SCEPTER and SUREPYC, provide new alternatives for cost-effective control of stubborn sedges and broadleaf weeds.
Don’t forget our line of popular insecticides, including Orthene and WISDOM, and new AVENSIS for hard-to-control annual bluegrass weevil.
AEP’s 2020 EOP is easier than ever before and requires no formal signup. Just order by December 18, 2020, and rebates will be issued as a credit by your favorite AEP distributor.
Get complete product details along with rebate information at AMVAC.com/EOP.