February 1, 2023
GCM staff

Editor’s note: The GCM team will be doing our best to maintain an up-to-date feed of announcements on this page. If you have news you think belongs here, please email Scott Hollister.
Wednesday, February 1
- Roch Gaussoin, Ph.D., professor and extension specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been named the USGA Green Section Award recipient
for his nearly 20 years of researching critical aspects of putting green construction and management.
Wednesday, February 8
- RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment) held its first Industry Issues Update of the year at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America’s
(GSCAA) Conference and Trade Show to talk about grassroots engagement on pesticide and fertilizer issues with GCSAA members from across the country. Blaine Pinkerton, Nufarm Vice President of Turf and Ornamental Sales and RISE Governing Board
Treasurer, and RISE President Megan J. Provost were joined by golf course superintendents Bob Searle, Abenakee Club, Biddeford, Maine, and Eric David, Naval Academy Golf Club, Annapolis, Maryland, who shared their firsthand advocacy successes
and experiences in their states.
Monday, February 20
- California golf course superintendents now have access to Nufarm’s Anuew Plant Growth Regulator for managing Bermudagrass and kikiuyugrass turf. The California environmental protection agency approved Anuew PGR for use in January. The product’s prohexadione calcium chemistry helps improve the playability of fairways through fast and effective growth suppression of turfgrass.
Friday, February 24
- The Musser International Turfgrass Foundation has selected Dr. Wendell Hutchens as the 2023 Award of Excellence recipient. The prestigious award is given to outstanding Ph.D. candidates who, in the final phase of their graduate studies, demonstrated
overall excellence throughout their doctoral program in turfgrass research. Hutchens says he hopes to focus his career on providing applied, cutting-edge research results in turfgrass pathology, precision turfgrass management, and turfgrass agronomy
as well as training the next generation of turfgrass scientists. To learn more about the award, visit the Musser International Turfgrass Foundation website.