The GCM staff is covering all the action at the 2022 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show as it unfolds. Check back often for the latest industry news, company announcements, highlights from the Education Conference, and more.
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022
• Purdue University took first place in the 2022 GCSAA Collegiate Turf Bowl, presented in partnership with John Deere. Forty-four teams competed in the event. Members of the winning team, No. 31, were William Hathaway, Kyle Kidwell, William Myrehn and Nicholas Oyler, with adviser Cale A. Bigelow, Ph.D.
2nd place: State University of New York at Delhi, team No. 19; Mike Battaglia, Charles Bourgeois, Drew Romanski and Bradley Woessner; adviser Julia Ward.
3rd place: Ohio State University, team No. 27; Patrick Andrews, Parker Baney, Daniel Russell and Casey Williams; adviser David Gardner, Ph.D.
4th place: Penn State University, team No. 3; Stephen Campbell, Cameron Foreman, Kyle Masters and Nate Moore; adviser Benjamin A. McGraw, Ph.D.
5th place: Penn State University, team No. 6; Payton Kvistad, James Marsh, Nicholas Sterlace and Ryan Trudeau; adviser Benjamin A. McGraw, Ph.D.
6th place: Michigan State University, team No. 22; Spencer Cole, Connor McBride, David Parker and Payton Perkinson; adviser John N. Rogers III, Ph.D.
7th place: Oklahoma State University, team No. 14; Robert Borgman, Justin Crews, Joshua Fairchild and Codie Renegar; adviser Charles Fontanier, Ph.D.
8th place: Purdue University, team No. 32; Drew Coe, Madilyn Hasler, Bradley Leitz and Emma Seward; adviser Cale A. Bigelow, Ph.D.
9th place: University of Maryland, team No. 29; Brandon Carbary, Jacob Hess, Mason Hofmeister and Jarrett Maynor; adviser Geoffrey Rinehart.
10th place: Purdue University, team No. 33; Austin Cline, Jarrett Price, Max Schimmel and Andrew Wilson; adviser Cale A. Bigelow, Ph.D.
• Aerification, topdressing, use of brushes, subsurface irrigation, organic matter sampling and additional agronomic topics took center stage at this afternoon’s Turfgrass Talk Show. In his talk, Brian Whitlark, an agronomist in the West Region for the USGA Green Section, outlined ongoing research that may lead to the establishment of a standardized method of sampling organic matter on putting greens. While typical sampling may go deep into the turf, “It’s all about those top 2 centimeters,” Whitlark (third from right in photo below) said. For those unsure about the benefits of sampling for organic matter, Whitlark noted that organic matter influences both agronomic and playability practices, moisture retention, and water infiltration. Excessive organic matter creates soft surfaces and turf that is prone to rutting and ball marks, and excessive organic matter can result in localized dry spot. Too little organic matter can create poor sod strength, poor stability and exploding ball marks. Bottom line? “First of all, we just encourage superintendents to sample,” Whitlark said.

• Kevin P. Breen, CGCS, was elected GCSAA’s 86th president during the association’s Annual Meeting. Breen is the director of greens and grounds at La Rinconada Country Club in Los Gatos, Calif., and a 31-year association member. See full election results in Recap: 2022 GCSAA Annual Meeting.
• GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans appeared live on Golf Channel from the trade show floor to discuss the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show and several of the association’s initiatives:
• Auburn University senior Jacob Cherry was determined to get a chance to compete in this year’s GCSAA Collegiate Turf Bowl, and thanks to his persistence and support from Auburn faculty members David Han, Beth Guertal and Scott McElroy, his dream came true this morning when the competition got underway. “This has been something I’ve wanted to do since I got in this major, and this was my first opportunity to do so,” said Cherry, who even had to overcome a case of COVID while he was preparing for the competition. Other prospective team members couldn’t attend, leaving Cherry as the sole representative for Auburn in the competition. “I’m a one-man army of sorts,” the one-year GCSAA member said. Cherry grew up in an agricultural setting — his father, Phillip Cherry, teaches ag at Temple High School in Carrollton, Ga. — so agricultural topics are familiar. As a teenager, Jacob and his father had a grass-cutting business, and he became interested in turfgrass management. “I was draw to a field where I could work with my hands and work outside.” Eventually, Jacob hopes to work in chemical science related to turf. And what did he do to prepare for the Turf Bowl? “A lot of studying. Making sure I knew every detail about grass plants.”

• Lead-acid batteries are a thing of the past for Textron Specialized Vehicles. The company spotlighted its recent full conversion to lithium-ion battery power in all its ELiTE series products — including Cushman Hauler Pro ELiTE utility vehicles and the Jacobsen 360 ELiTE greens mower — at its booth at the 2022 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. The move is a part of the company’s broader sustainability efforts, and Textron President and CEO Gunnar Kleveland estimates the decision will result in a reduction of nearly 70,000 lead-acid batteries annually. Jacobsen is hoping to leverage the lithium-ion battery technology in its fairway and rough units as well.
• GCSAA Conference and Trade Show attendee and three-time Leo Feser Award-winning writer Chris Carson retired Oct. 31, 2021, after 36 years at Echo Lake Country Club in Westfield, N.J. Carson, a 36-year GCSAA member, was given the title of Superintendent Emeritus at Echo Lake. Carson helps coach the girls soccer team at Westfield High School that went undefeated and was ranked No. 1 in the state after a 1-0 triumph in the final last season. Asked whether there’s a chance he’ll write again for GCM — which could possibly put him in contention for another Leo Feser Award, given to the best superintendent-written article of the year — “I’ve got a whole bunch of ideas,” Carson replied. Read Carson’s most recent Feser-winning article, 8 essential budgeting principles for superintendents.
• Bayer Environmental Science expects to announce its new owner late in the first quarter or early in the second quarter of 2022, and it expects to be in position to operate as a stand-alone company in the third quarter. The announcement at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show follows an early-2021 announcement that Bayer had decided to divest the company’s Environmental Science Professional business. What does this news mean for superintendents? It’s all good, according Mark Schneid, Bayer’s head of Environmental Science North America. “For superintendents, we’re putting new resources to the future of this company,” he said. Will products such as Stressgard, Indemnify and Densicor still be available? Yes. And more are expected. “We’re 100% dedicated to the environmental space,” Schneid said. “What we’re not going to change is the amazing team, the pipeline of innovation and looking for new ways to grow. We’re super excited. This is a growth story.”
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022
• Jeff Heaton, GCSAA Class A superintendent at Lake Geneva (Wis.) Country Club and an 11-year association member, received the 2021 Leo Feser Award at the GCM booth on the trade show floor. Heaton was honored for his article Bridging the generation gap, which was voted the best superintendent-written story published in GCM during the previous year. Read more.
• When Tiger Woods wasn’t on-site during the recent renovation of The Hay short course at Pebble Beach Golf Links, architect Beau Welling said he was always accessible via phone call or text. At a Wednesday morning Power Hour, Welling (center, with Frontier Golf vice president Jason Nau, left, and GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans) said of Woods and the project: “To be involved somewhere that’s going to be there a long time at a place very special to him ... I think he likes the idea of growing the game and having golf reach a broader audience.” More on the Woods-led redesign of The Hay.

• Turf research was the topic during a four-speaker Power Hour, “Turf Solutions I: Everything But the Kitchen Sink!” A.J. Lindsey of the University of Florida’s Department of Environmental Horticulture outlined some of his research on humic substances, in which he is investigating claims about their various benefits, such as improving stress tolerance, improving the effect of fertilizers, and enhancing microbial activity. One study looked at root health and found that using humic substances can improve rooting, although “you do need some nitrogen to get acceptable quality instead of humic alone,” Lindsey said.
• Jason Rupp, a U.S. Air Force chaplain, tag-teamed the Power Hour “Mental Health: How It Affects Everyone” with Lori Hoffner, a speaker/trainer/consultant and psychologist who assisted the Jefferson County, Colo., community in the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings in 1999. The pair stressed the need to practice empathy with employees as they grapple with stressors in the workplace and in their lives. And here’s a key, from Rupp: “As leaders, we don’t have to worry about getting the job done. We just have to worry about the people who are doing the job.”
• Paul Koch, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Plant Pathology gave an update on the use of iron sulfate to combat dollar spot during the Power Hour “Research You Can Use” on Wednesday afternoon. Koch discussed using iron sulfate in combination with urea, and outlined iron sulfate rates, reapplication intervals and water volume. He reported clear dollar spot reductions, though complete elimination of the use of fungicides was found to be unlikely. Koch’s research also showed that shorter application intervals can provide more consistent control. No water volume impacts were observed. Koch was joined by Mike Fidanza, Ph.D., from Penn State; Rebecca Grubbs-Bowling, Ph.D., from Texas A&M University; Chrissie Segars, Ph.D., from Texas AgriLife Research; Doug Soldat, Ph.D., from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Fred Yelverton, Ph.D., from North Carolina State University.

• Richard Latin, Ph.D., signs a copy of his book “A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides” for Jimmy Titus, superintendent at North Andover (Mass.) Country Club and a 36-year GCSAA member. The book-signing drew a crowd to the BASF booth on the trade show floor. Latin is an emeritus professor of plant pathology at Purdue University and was a member of the Botany and Plant Pathology faculty there for more than 37 years.

• Syngenta announced the results of this morning’s Health in Action 5K.
• WaterIQ Technologies is giving away free algae analysis kits at its booth, No. 836. Learn more.
• John Deere unveiled improvements to its OnLink system, including enhanced machine telematics and monitoring capabilities. The latest updates are available on the full 2022 lineup of John Deere golf ride-on equipment as well as on select 2020 and 2021 machines. “This will improve communications across the board with your staff ... by bringing all your tools into one place and making things as effective, efficient and sustainable as possible,” David Anderson, John Deere product manager, told GCM this morning on the trade show floor.
• It’s not a coincidence that PBI-Gordon chose to launch its 75th anniversary celebration at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. The company started in 1947 as Private Brands Inc. and focused on formulating products for the farm industry. It purchased Gordon Chemical Co. in 1956, and it became PBI-Gordon Corp. in 1970, two years after it had acquired a patent for Trimec herbicide products, which eventually became the company’s largest product line. PBI-Gordon now offers more than 40 products for golf courses and professional turf and ornamental managers. “We knew this would be our 75th anniversary, and as we laid out our calendar, this event had a big star on it,” Neil Cleveland, vice president and general manager of PBI-Gordon Corp., told GCM Wednesday morning. “This was a good place to kick things off. It made perfect sense. We bring good value, and we intend to do more.”
• Trojan Battery Co. is showcasing its new GC2 48V lithium-ion golf car battery at its booth, No. 4908. According to the company, the GC2 48V travels up to 15% farther than its competitors, with a range of 45 to 60 miles on a single charge.
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022
• Bob Farren, CGCS, was honored as the inaugural winner of GCSAA’s revamped Col. John Morley Award during Tuesday morning’s Opening Session. Farren’s advice to fellow superintendents? “It’s all about relationships. ... Payroll is 65% of your budget. All the rest is just noise. It’s the people.” Read much more about Farren, his career journey and his work at Pinehurst Resort in A conversation with Bob Farren, CGCS.
• Jack Fry, Ph.D. (center, with GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans, left, and GCSAA President Mark Jordan, CGCS) received GCSAA’s first-ever Outstanding Contribution Award at the Opening Session Tuesday morning. Read much more about Fry.

• Should you let golfers play when there’s frost on the course? In “The Great Debate: Ph.D.s vs. Superintendents” — a Power Hour this morning at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show — superintendent Renee Geyer said the most important part of such conversations isn’t always the agronomic angle. “It’s how you handle that interaction” with the players, said Geyer, a 15-year GCSAA member who oversees Canterwood Golf & Country Club in Gig Harbor, Wash. Other topics discussed during “The Great Debate” included online vs. brick-and-mortar turf education, and core aerifying vs. solid tining vs. no tining.

• “What’s worked for us is focusing on the younger generation and diversity.” — Brent Downs, CGCS, director of agronomy at Otter Creek Golf Course in Columbus, Ind., speaking during the Power Hour “Strategies for Pushing Through Labor Challenges” on Tuesday. Read more in What’s a labor-challenged golf course superintendent to do?
• Chatting with GCM today at the San Diego Convention Center, Arturo Ledesma Arizaga, who was instrumental in the formation of the Mexico GCSA, said the chapter’s membership has doubled, from 40 to 80, since it came under GCSAA’s umbrella in 2017. At the time, Arizaga was president of the Asociacion de Superintendentes de Campos de Golf de Mexico, as the organization was formerly known. “More of our members are going to Show, taking webinars, and want to be certified,” Arizaga said Tuesday. “It’s been important to help us grow in our country.” Arizaga is the superintendent at Las Lomas Club de Golf in central Mexico and a 21-year member of GCSAA. The Mexico GCSA was the association’s second international chapter; the Ontario GCSA was the first.
• Tommy Richey, equipment manager at Pine Valley (N.J.) Golf Club and a 10-year GCSAA member, and Carol Rau, career consultant and a regular GCM columnist, tackled the thorny issue of “Communicating with the Next Generation of Technicians.” Their Power Hour was geared toward working with members of Generation Z, which is loosely defined as those born between 1997 and 2012. Richey and Rau’s four pillars:
- This generation is visual: Think Instagram and Snapchat.
- Purpose: This generation wants to know the “why” behind things. What’s the bigger purpose?
- Be to the point.
- Mentorships are desired: This generation wants somebody to reach out and help them learn the ropes.
• Spotted at the San Diego Convention Center: Members of the EXCEL Leadership Program, a professional-development program for assistant superintendents that’s funded by Nufarm and administered by the GCSAA Foundation.

• Tim Glorioso, CGCS, is the proud new owner of a puppy from Flyaway Geese, announced at this evening’s Trade Show Tee Off. Glorioso, a 31-year GCSAA member, is the superintendent at Toledo (Ohio) Country Club. You’ll have a second chance to win a goose dog from Flyaway Geese before the Trade Show wraps up. Get more info.
• The Toro Co. announced it has started field testing of its GeoLink Solutions autonomous fairway mower, and the company says the technology will be available to preview at its booth, No. 4436. During the initial placement period in 2022, Toro will work with selected sites to test the mower, and test units will be closely monitored. Watch a video of the GeoLink Solutions autonomous fairway mower in operation.
• Bill Kreuser, Ph.D., will be providing live demonstrations of the GreenKeeper app at the Simplot Turf & Horticulture booth, No. 1024, on Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.; and Thursday, Feb. 10 at 11:30 a.m. The demos will be followed by Q&A sessions. Learn more about the GreenKeeper app from Kreuser, its founder.
• Be part of Syngenta’s “Bringing the Best Together” photo mosaic by uploading a photo in Syngenta’s booth, No. 3222, or on its website that represents why you’ve been looking forward to the 2022 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show — who you’re excited to see, what you want to learn about, or just why you’re glad to be back together in person. All participants will be automatically entered for a chance to win one of five Solo Stove Yukon fire pits.
• Spray Caddie, a new tool that keeps the golf cup clean during spray applications and topdressing, will make its debut in booth No. 3951 (also the Tahoma 31 bermudagrass booth) on the trade show floor. Spray Caddie was developed by Rob Roberts, an assistant golf course superintendent and licensed spray tech in Washington state with more than 25 years of experience.
• Target Specialty Products will host “Happy Hour with Turf Fuel” at its booth, No. 3617, from 5 to 7 p.m. during today’s Trade Show Tee Off. Return to the Target Specialty Products booth Wednesday morning for the company’s “Recovery Breakfast Reception” from 9 to 10 a.m. Booth visitors will be entered to win daily prizes.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2022
• GCSAA’s Jim Cummins (far left), GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans (second from right), and 2021 GCSAA President Mark Jordan, CGCS (far right), welcome Syngenta’s Mark LaFleur and Stephanie Schwenke aboard the USS Midway on Monday night for the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show Welcome Reception, presented in partnership with Syngenta.

• The USS Midway was the venue for the 2022 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show Welcome Reception on Monday evening, which was presented in partnership with Syngenta. Visiting the former aircraft carrier — named after the Battle of Midway, a clash between the U.S. Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy in June 1942, six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor — held special significance for married couple Lyall and Christine Adams. Each of their fathers was a member of the Canadian Army and served in World War II. Lyall Adams, who has operated Wood Bay Turf Technologies for decades, didn’t just enjoy the setting, though. “Meeting old friends, sharing new ideas in the industry, learning how to be more effective and efficient, creating better conditions for golfers, is what makes this special,” he said.
• Jim Hemrick, CGCS, retired in late 2021 following 44 years at Moose Landing Country Club in Ottawa, Ohio, and as a reverent send-off, the Northwest Ohio GCSA paid for Hemrick’s and his wife Ruthie’s flights to this year’s GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. Hemrick, a 45-year GCSAA member, was front and center 30 years ago when Moose Landing installed what has become its signature hole, an island green on the par-5 No. 18. What was it like spending so much time at Moose Landing? “Just basically fun,” Hemrick said.
• Seth Strickland, GCSAA Class A superintendent at Miami Shores (Fla.) Country Club, is the winner of the 2022 GCSAA National Championship. This is Strickland’s fifth title, and the 20-year GCSAA member was the defending champion after prevailing in the 2021 tournament held last October in Palm Springs, Calif. View all results from the 2022 GCSAA Golf Championships.
• The final day of the 2022 GCSAA Golf Championships saw the event’s second hole-in-one. Stuart Bothe, the GCSAA Class A superintendent at the Emerald Dunes Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., aced the par-3 eighth hole on the South Course at Torrey Pines during the National Championship competition.
• U.S. Rep. Juan Vargas stopped by Bonita (Calif.) Golf Course this morning to check out “Launching a First Green Field Trip Program at Your Own Golf Course,” part of the educational offerings at the 2022 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. “To learn about the management of turf, like how sunlight or shade affects turf, is something I hadn’t thought about,” said Vargas, who plays golf occasionally and represents California’s 51st District. “It’s great to see how the management of the course is applied — and the kids seemed to be mesmerized. This is fantastic.”
• While attending “Launching a First Green Field Trip Program at Your Own Golf Course,” Sergio Chaves Ramirez and Francisco Alonso Leiva Rocha, both from Reserva Conchal Golf Course in Costa Rica, shared that one of their goals is to help grow the game of golf back on their home turf. In Costa Rica, “Soccer then surfing are the most popular sports,” said Rocha, a three-year GCSAA member. “The golf industry is small. A program like First Green can be a starting point to change that.” Ramirez, an eight-year GCSAA member, added, “We have the course. We have the tools. We can do this.” They hope to host their inaugural First Green event before the end of 2022.
• Following the morning’s First Green field trip, Bonita Golf Course hosted an afternoon learning tour sponsored by Foley Co. that touched on topics for superintendents and equipment managers. Bonita GC superintendent Brendon Reaksecker, a 23-year GCSAA member, told attendees that the public course saw more than 84,000 rounds last year. “Don’t judge me,” he said with a laugh, “on thin spots.”
• If the name Reaksecker sounds familiar, it may be because he was among the first to use modified swimming pool noodles in his cups, long before the pandemic made them a popular tool for reducing course contact points. On Monday’s outing, Reaksecker shared several more gems from his arsenal of tips. Here are two:
- Use staff photos rather than names on the job board. “There’s a lot of pride in having their picture taken,” Reaksecker said of his crew members. “It’s all about being part of a team, which is what I’m trying to instill here.”
- Email the golf coach. Reaksecker routinely reaches out to local high school golf coaches to enlist seasonal workers in summer. “Don’t throw them in the cart barn or some dead-end job where they don’t learn anything,” he said. “Put them on your staff.”
• Drones: They’re not just for golf course beauty shots anymore. Resourceful golf course management folks have found myriad uses for unmanned aerial vehicles — drones — as the gadgets’ prices continue to drop. Mitch Kohl, an assistant superintendent at Bonita Golf Course and a two-year GCSAA member, has a few UAV tips of his own, and he shared them with GCM during Monday’s GCSAA learning tour. Kohl, who works 20 hours a week at Bonita GC and takes 19 hours of turfgrass classes, says he uses a drone around Bonita for several irrigation purposes. He has mapped the course’s irrigation system from above, and he takes aerial shots of each green every week and has compiled three years’ worth of greens photos. Then staff members can then refer back to, say, the last time a disease emerged. “You can also check topdressing in full color,” Kohl said.
• Nearly 100 superintendents, assistant superintendents and equipment managers attended the afternoon field trip to Bonita Golf Course. Also in attendance was Jim Beatty, president of Jim Beatty Golf Ventures and executive editor of African American Golfer’s Digest. Beatty was one of 10 members of GCSAA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council who visited GCSAA headquarters on June 24, 2021, for its first in-person meeting. He and two other members of that council — Azucena Maldonado, founder of the Latina Golfers Association, and Craig Kirby, founder of Golf. My Future. My Game. — are attending the Conference and Trade Show to get a better understanding of the superintendent’s role in golf. “I’m just trying to get a feel for it from this side,” Beatty said. “I’m learning so much.”
• Spotted at the San Diego Convention Center: Regional agronomists for ClubCorp and GCSAA members (from left) Jeremy Adkins, Plano, Texas; Charles Fort III, Howell, Mich.; Gary Wilder, LaGrange, Ga.; and Carter Hindes, CGCS, The Woodlands, Texas. The group is pleased the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show is back in person. Fort called it a “return to normal.”

• John Deere held a special ceremony this morning to honor its top golf distributors and sales representatives. The company named Revels Turf & Tractor its Golf Dealer of the Year, and Larry Adcock of Revels Turf & Tractor its Golf Sales Manager of the Year. Golf Salesperson of the Year designations were awarded to Gary Bodnar of Martin Deerline; Charlie Koennecker of Finch Turf; Shannon Marion of Greenville Turf & Tractor; Rick Michel of Pacific Golf & Turf; and Phil Miller of Stotz Equipment.
• Join the Bayer Green Solutions Team at Bayer’s booth, No. 3822, for the Talking Turf happy hour — an informative Q&A on the latest Bayer products, agronomic practices and industry trends — on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 2 to 3 p.m. View Bayer’s complete booth schedule.
• In its booth, No. 3822, Bayer will be offering the Edge Clubhouse, a relaxing space to unwind and recharge on the trade show floor, as well as spotlighting its latest innovations and science-based turf solutions, including Tetrino insecticide, Densicor fungicide and the Stressgard product portfolio. Bayer’s booth will feature daily giveaways plus the chance to win a luxury massage lounge chair. View Bayer’s complete booth schedule.
• Rain Bird will be offering a sneak peek at its new CirrusPRO irrigation control system, which the company says gives users the ability to run their golf course from anywhere, on any device. Visit Rain Bird at booth No. 3537, where you can also pick up a free canvas tote.
• LebanonTurf will be featuring several of its Country Club-branded products in its booth, No. 3529, including Country Club with Acelepryn + Dimension, Country Club MD, Country Club Fairway Fertilizer with MESA, and Country Club with Humic Max Technology. Booth visitors can register to win one of three $250 Visa gift cards. The LebanonTurf booth is also the place to cast your vote for the 2022 Dog of the Year.
Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022
• A pair of fresh faces and the event’s defending champion are in the driver’s seat following the first round of the 2022 GCSAA National Championship on Sunday, Feb. 6. Texan Tanner Westbrook and Floridian Max Rudder both shot even-par rounds of 72 on the South Course at Torrey Pines to share the first-round lead. Westbrook, an eight-year GCSAA member, is the superintendent at Maridoe Golf Club in Carrollton, Texas. Rudder, a four-year association member is an assistant superintendent at The Venice (Fla.) Golf and Country Club. Just one shot behind them is defending champion Seth Strickland, the GCSAA Class A superintendent at Miami Shores (Fla.) Country Club, who has won the event four times (2021, 2009, 2008 and 2005). Strickland is a 20-year member of GCSAA. Also in the hunt is Aaron Fankhauser, superintendent at The Club at Rolling Hills in Golden, Colo., and an eight-year GCSAA member, who finished round one at two-over-par 74. Three shots back are two-time champion Michael Stieler, CGCS, a 26-year GCSAA member from Spring Creek Golf & Country Club in Ripon, Calif., and Andrew Engelbrecht with BASF, a 13-year GCSAA Class A member based in Fort Myers, Fla. The GCSAA National Championship will conclude with another 18 holes on the South Course at Torrey Pines on Monday. The event is part of the GCSAA Golf Championships, presented in partnership with The Toro Co. for the 28th consecutive year. View all results from the 2022 GCSAA Golf Championships.
• The 2022 GCSAA Golf Championships saw its first hole-in-one during Saturday’s Four-Ball event. Mark Warren, the GCSAA Class A director of grounds at TaylorMade’s golf facility in San Diego, aced the par-3 16th hole on the South Course at Torrey Pines in the Four-Ball I competition. View all results from the 2022 GCSAA Golf Championships.
• Jacobsen will be highlighting its lineup of electric lithium mowers and Cushman vehicles at booth No. 2437. Forty percent of Jacobsen’s booth will feature electric lithium products alongside a full breadth of equipment, including the Eclipse 360 ELiTE, AR530, HM600 fail mower, the Cushman Hauler PRO ELiTE, and PACE Technologies. The engineers who designed the company’s latest lithium offering, the Eclipse 360 ELiTE greens mower, will be on hand for live product walk-arounds. Jacobsen will also be offering the first look at its electric lithium out-front rotary concept.
• Tahoma 31, the latest bermudagrass variety developed by turfgrass researchers at Oklahoma State University, will be on display in booth No. 3951. Features of Tahoma 31 include superior cold tolerance, traffic tolerance and low water use. The grass can be planted in warm-season climates into the farthest northern regions of transition zone. Learn more about Tahoma 31.
• Stop by Turfco’s booth, No. 5027, to enter a drawing to win one of two YETI Tundra 45 Hard Coolers. Turfco will also be announcing the winner of its 2021 Torrent 2 Debris Blower Giveaway and the winners of its Dealer of the Year Awards at its booth at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 9.
• BASF will host a book-signing event with Rick Latin, Ph.D. on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at its booth, No. 2137. Stop by to get an autographed copy of Latin’s latest edition of “A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides.”
• PBI-Gordon will officially kick off its 75th anniversary celebration at the 2022 GSCAA Conference and Trade Show. The company says the main message of the celebration is a heartfelt “thank you” to its customers, industry partners, suppliers and research partners. Visit PBI-Gordon at booth No. 4136.
• FMC Corp. will be hosting various promotions tied to its “Give Back to Local Chapters” program at its booth, No. 1537. Activities will include a hole-in-one competition and a golf simulator, with FMC Corp. making Give Back donations to participants’ chapters based on the yardage of their drives on the simulator. Learn more about the “Give Back to Local Chapters” initiative.
• FMC Corp. will debut its Serata fungicide, for control of Pythium diseases, at its booth, No. 1537.
• AMGUARD will be presenting a check for $20,000 to Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops program, which mobilizes complimentary lawn and landscape services for military families through its network of volunteers. Trade show attendees are invited to the AMGUARD and GreenCare for Troops Partnership Event on Tuesday, Feb. 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. in AMGUARD’s booth, No. 3722.
• AMGUARD will launch its American Innovators recognition program at the 2022 GSCAA Conference and Trade Show. The company will host the American Innovators Happy Hour at its booth, No. 3722, on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 2 to 5 p.m.
• Leaders from the Golf Heritage Society will be in booth No. 2059 on the trade show floor. Founded in 1970, GHS is a global nonprofit organization that honors and preserves the history of the game.