GCM’s Photo Quiz is presented in partnership with STEC Equipment.

Problem A: Two lines across newly seeded area

Location: Lomma, Sweden
Turfgrass area: Tee
Turfgrass variety: Ryegrass/fescue mix
Problem B: Lines void of overseed

Location: Southeastern United States
Turfgrass area: Tee
Turfgrass variety: Bermudagrass overseeded with ryegrass
Scroll down for answers.
Problem A: Two lines across newly seeded area
The lines across this newly seeded tee are the result of a golfer and his pull cart. As nearly everyone experiences in this business at one point or another, some golfers are just going to do whatever they feel like doing. The tee on this course in Sweden was moved to improve the playability of the hole and for safety reasons, as it was close to the putting green on the previous hole. Most golfers on this course use pull carts, and even though this seed had only been down a week or so, the golfer walked across the area to get to the new tee.
Photo submitted by Kurt Jensen, the greenkeeper at Ă–restads Golfklubb in Lomma, Sweden.
Problem B: Lines void of overseed
As you might have guessed, the three lines are tracks from a triplex mower. Why the bermudagrass tee is void of overseed in these tire tracks is another story. As it turns out, a selective postemergence herbicide was sprayed on the tee surrounds to control “renegade ryegrass.” The following day, it was picked up by tee mower tires in the dew and tracked onto the teeing surface. The herbicide killed the overseed in the tire marks as the mower ran across the tee surface.
This problem could have been avoided had the crew run a light irrigation the following day to knock off any herbicide remaining on the turf leaf surface on the surrounds. The photo also illustrates how effective the application was on the ryegrass.
Photo submitted by Todd Lowe, Bayer’s technical service manager. Lowe, a 24-year GCSAA member, is based in Rotonda West, Fla.
Editor’s note: Have a photo of an on-course anomaly? GCM would love to have a look! Email it to Photo Quiz author John Mascaro.
John Mascaro is the president of Turf-Tec International.